Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Global Conversation on Quality Education For All. Will you Join Us?

There are few greater pleasures for an organization than to present a program at the zeitgeist of a global conversation. Filmmakers, too, revel in presenting stories that reach the height of cultural relevance. The IFP and UN DPI’s Envision program is facilitating both at our July 10th forum addressing global issues through documentaries.

Envision’s screening of Academy-Award winning director Davis Guggenheim’s WAITING FOR “SUPERMAN” has been generating significant discussion since its launch at Sundance in January. Envision has convened leaders in the field representing an array of policymakers, educators, and activists, including film subjects and representatives from the Center for American Progress, Sangari Global Education Institute, Citizen Schools, and the Chancellor’s office of the DC Public School System.

Just last week, American Federation of Teachers President and film subject Randi Weingarten responded to a Huffington Post review of WAITING FOR “SUPERMAN” by Blaise Nutter with her own Huff Post missive. This exchange pivoted off a recent screening of WAITING FOR “SUPERMAN” where she participated in a Q&A with film subject and DC School Chancellor Michelle Rhee as discussed here.

It’s clear there is much to be said on both sides of this issue, and we’re proud to be showcasing this game changing film and discussion. Can’t be at the event but want to participate remotely? Follow us on twitter at @IFPEnvision, post your questions with #ifpenv, or sign up for our Envision mailing list here.

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